Burger King

The contact number for Burger King is available directly from their website at no or lower cost

0333 207 4208

Call Connection, Calls cost 7p per minute plus your standard network charge.

Please ensure you have the bill payers permission before calling.

This website provides hard to find phone numbers as a call connection service, and is not associated with the company.

Call the number to make a complaint to Burger King about any number of issues that you have had with the fast-food chain, whether you visited one of their restaurants or received a food delivery from them to your home.

Burger King Complaint Numbers

Department Opening Hours
Burger King Complaints Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat 9am-1pm
Burger King Delivery Complaints Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat 9am-1pm
Burger King Allergy Complaints Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat 9am-1pm
Burger King Food Complaints Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat 9am-1pm
Burger King Restaurant Complaints Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat 9am-1pm
Burger King App Complaints Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat 9am-1pm

Burger King Complaints

If you have recently visited a Burger King restaurant and were unhappy with the level of service or the quality of food that you received then you can call our complaints line where your complaint will be dealt with quickly and effectively. Burger King is a fast food restaurant aiming to produce top quality, fast food at an extremely affordable price. Low-cost food and drink, however, should not mean low quality and so if you feel you have purchased something that is not up to the standards you would expect or not up to the standards that Burger King promise, then they would like to know about it. Burger King is much loved around the UK for its food, with restaurants in every city. They claim that their commitment to the food that they serve is what defines them as a great company, also claiming that they have a great commitment to serving their people whether it be employees or customers and so any unsatisfied customers should complain, in order to help them improve. All complaints to Burger King are dealt with seriously.

When you call the Burger King complaints line you will be met with a team of advisers that can deal with your complaint, each adviser dealing with each different type of grievance. The phone line will aim to quickly resolve your issue within the phone call but if you are not satisfied with the outcome and still feel that your complaint needs to be taken further, our advisers will assist you in taking it to the next stage.

Burger King Complaints Address

You can send your complaint in writing to the following address:

Burger King Guest Relations
PO Box 1975
L69 3HH

This is one of the more slower methods of gaining a response from Burger King, but they will get back to you with a reply to your complaint. When you write to them ensure you include plenty of details of the complaint, as well as information relating to getting in touch with you with their reply.

Burger King Complaints Email

There isn’t a direct email for you to send your Burger King Complaints to, but there is a contact form on their website. This means you can fill out the details on the form relating to your complaint and it will be sent via the internet to the Burger King customer relations team who will get back to you in due course with their response.

Burger King Complaints Procedure

If you call to make a complaint the Burger King team will aim to resolve it whilst you’re on the phone to them. However, in some cases, this may not be possible and Burger King will take some contact details from you and get back to you at a later date. They’ll let you know how long you can expect to wait for a reply from them.

Burger King Delivery Complaints

Call the number to make a complaint regarding a Burger King delivery you have made. When you call the number above you can complain about deliveries that took far too long to arrive, the food was inedible when it did finally come, or orders that were incorrect when they came. If you have had any issues with the delivery drivers you can also use this number to make your complaint.

Burger King Allergy Complaints

If you suffered an allergy from eating Burger King food you can phone the number to make your complaint. When you call this number you can complain about allergens that were not made aware to you from Burger King, and as a result, you suffered a reaction.

Burger King Food Complaints

Use the number to make a complaint about the Burger King food you have purchased. You can call this number to complain about the quality of the food, problems with your orders, or anything that you’ve found in the food that shouldn’t have been there. In some cases, the customer complaints team might ask for picture evidence of the issue that occurred.

Burger King Restaurant Complaints

If you’d like to make a complaint about a Burger King restaurant you have visited you can call the number. When you phone this number the team will take details of complaints you have about specific Burger King establishments you have visited, relating to the cleanliness, the accessibility or the facilities that were available or lacking in that specific place.

If you’d like to make a complaint about a staff member from Burger King you can also call the number above to register your dismay at the service you received from them.

Burger King App Complaints

To make a complaint to Burger King regarding their app you can phone the number. When you call you can complain about the usability of the app and any issues that have arisen whilst trying to use it.