SSE Southern Electric

The contact number for SSE Southern Electric is available directly from their website at no or lower cost

0345 070 7373

Call Connection, Calls cost 7p per minute plus your standard network charge.

Please ensure you have the bill payers permission before calling.

This website provides hard to find phone numbers as a call connection service, and is not associated with the company.

Contact SSE Southern Electric by calling if you have a complaint about their services. Southern Electric is one of the brands under SSE plc, which distributes electricity and gas in southern England. Call to complain if Southern Electric is your energy supplier.

Opening Times
SSE Southern Electric Complaints
Mon – Fri: 8am – 8pm
Saturday: 8am – 2pm
Bill Payment Complaints
Mon – Fri: 8am – 8pm
Saturday: 8am – 2pm
Meter Reading Complaints
Mon – Fri: 8am – 8pm
Saturday: 8am – 2pm
Feed-In Tariff Complaints
Mon – Fri: 8am – 8pm
Saturday: 8am – 2pm
Moving House Complaints
Mon – Fri: 8am – 8pm
Saturday: 8am – 2pm
Changing Supplier Complaints
Mon – Fri: 8am – 8pm
Saturday: 8am – 2pm

SSE Southern Electric Complaints

Contact SSE Southern Electric if you want to make a complaint about them. Dial to speak to a person at SSE Southern Electric and get help with your problem. If they can’t resolve it during the phone call, then they will escalate the issue to management. The specialist complaints team aims to reach a solution by closing time the next business day. If there is no satisfactory resolution by this time, you should request an independent internal review. Six weeks after that, you can take your unresolved complaints to the Ombudsman.

Bill Payment Complaints

SSE Southern Electric offers several ways for customers to pay their bills. You can do this online or set up a Direct Debit. This can be monthly or variable, meaning you pay the full bill for each quarter. Otherwise, you have the option of paying within 14 days of receiving each bill, through your bank, post office, or on the phone. Some customers use smart Pay As You Go meters to pre-pay for their energy. Call if you have a complaint about your bill or payments. This includes using your online account or struggling to pay.

Meter Reading Complaints

There are many different types of gas and electricity meters. Some are prepayment meters which don’t generate bills because you pay as you go. Some are newer smart meters, which monitor your energy use for you. Customers without these smart meters might still have to submit readings from their regular meter to make their bills more accurate. Call to complain if your meter readings on your bill are wrong or you need help taking a reading. Complain if your meter is faulty or the box needs to be moved somewhere else.

Feed-In Tariff Complaints

The government runs a Feed-In Tariff scheme (FIT) to pay customers who generate their own electricity. A qualified professional must install the equipment in your home and also provide the eligible certificates before you can apply. Call SSE Southern Electric if they are your supplier and you have trouble registering for the FIT scheme. You can also complain if you have problems submitting Feed-In Tariff meter readings to Southern Electric. Complain about payment delays or incorrect payments, or installation disputes.

Moving House Complaints

If you are moving house, you must contact SSE Southern Electric to arrange to move your energy supply to the new address. You will need to report your closing and opening meter readings. Call to complain if there are any difficulties with transferring your accounts to your new home. Complain if you are moving into a residence where Southern Electric is the supplier but there is a problem with the existing meter. Complain if you are receiving bills for the previous occupant. Call to discuss billing for Green Deal properties.

Changing Supplier Complaints

Switching suppliers can be a hassle if things don’t go smoothly. Phone and complain about it if you are changing energy suppliers and SSE Southern Electric is holding things up. You could be switching to them or leaving them for another energy provider. If it takes longer than three weeks or there are issues with outstanding debts, call to complain. Call if you are due for renewal and there is a problem with switching to a different tariff. In the event that SSE Southern Electric fails to communicate with the other supplier, complain.