Ann Summers

The contact number for Ann Summers is available directly from their website at no or lower cost

0333 440 6969

Call Connection, Calls cost 7p per minute plus your standard network charge.

Please ensure you have the bill payers permission before calling.

This website provides hard to find phone numbers as a call connection service, and is not associated with the company.

Ann Summers is a lingerie store in the United Kingdom. You can call the Ann Summers complaints number. You can call the complaints number if you would like to file a complaint regarding a product, the website, a store or another issue you have experienced.

Ann Summers Complaints Numbers:

Department Opening Times
Complaints Monday – Friday, 9 am to 5.30pm
Product Complaints Monday – Friday, 9 am to 5.30pm
Website Complaints Monday – Friday, 9 am to 5.30pm
Store Complaints Monday – Friday, 9 am to 5.30pm
Head Office Complaints Monday – Friday, 9 am to 5.30pm
Customer Services Monday – Friday, 9 am to 5.30pm

Ann Summers Complaints

You can call the general Ann Summers complaints number. You can call the general complaints number if you have some general complaints regarding Ann Summers, their policies, you have had a number of issues with their services or if you do not know which department can deal with your complaints in the most efficient way.

Ann Summers Product Complaints

If you have had issues with an Ann Summers product you can file a complaint by calling. The Ann Summers product complaints number if your product arrived damaged or broken, the product looks different online than it does in person, you bought items at a store and you were unable to return them, you are unsatisfied with the product or you have some alternative issues with your Ann Summers product that you wish to file a complaint about.

Ann Summers Website Complaints

If you are experiencing issues with the Ann Summers website you can call the complaints number. You can file a complaint about issues with your account, issues with the categories on the website, issues ordering products on the website or any other issues with the Ann Summers website that you wish to make a complaint about.

Ann Summers Store Complaints

If you have recently visited an Ann Summers store and you were unhappy with the visit you can call them. You can call the store complaints number if you were dissatisfied with the experience you had at an Ann Summers store including if an employee was rude or unhelpful, the condition of the store or products was not satisfactory, there was not a large range of products in the store or you have another complaint about an Ann Summers store you have visited.

Ann Summers Head Office Complaints

You can call the Ann Summers head office complaints numbers. You can call the head office complaints number if you would like to escalate a previous complaint you have made to Ann Summers if you believe it was not dealt with correctly. You can also call if you would like to file a complaint about a head office department such as marketing, HR or another department which you’re unhappy with.

Ann Summers Customer Services

You can get in contact with the Ann Summers customer services team. The customer services team can be contacted if you have some inquiries regarding a product, a return, the delivery of your items, where your local store is, you need some help using the website or you have some other questions or inquiries that you wish to discuss with the Ann Summers customer service team.